This is one of the best etudes in Wohlfahrt 60 Studies op.45. It is very musical one and helps you to develop your reading ability, sense of rhythm, control of your fingers with grace notes, and so on.
How to Practice ? 【Wohlfahrt 60 Studies for violin】no.42 Andante
By looking at many notes in the music, some of you may feel a bit overwhealmed, but onece you become familiar with the notes, as well as finding the right timing of the grace notes, many students can go through this very well. In order not to waste out time, try the following steps.
Step 1
If you get confused with how to play the grace notes, work on it without them, first. As you can hear 2:47 on the video below. It may confuse you even more, at the beginning, however, by approaching it this way, you will hear the important frame work of the music. Even you add the grace notes, those notes in the frame work should sound the same.
Also, take your time to learn the sixteenth notes mm.7-8 (mm.31-32). If you have a lot of difficulty, you can practice without the slurs, too.
Step 2
Let’s play the grace notes. At this point, I recommend you will play the grace notes as I play in the video at 6:25 so that all the timing is the same and you will be able to control your fingers well. It is Andante (walking tempo), so I feel that the grace notes also can have the same character.
Step 3
Play a little faster. I’m playing with the metronome quarter note = 64, at 10:01 in the video.
You can start thinking about rit. a tempo at mm24, 25.
Step 4
Can you play as you did at Step 3 without a metronome? as you can hear at the beginning of the video (0:00).
Let’s practice 【Wohlfahrt 60 Studies for violin】no.42 Andante
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